Belgrade: UNMIK remains our only interlocutor in Kosovo

Serbian Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic says that UNMIK remains the only collocutor of the Serbian government in Kosovo

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Monday, September 01, 2008

He pointed out that the Serbian government is determined to resolve all issues concerning Kosovo hrough the UN Security Council.

"The Republic of Serbia rejected all acts which are not in line with Resolution 1244 and voiced concern because of the announced reconfiguration of UNMIK without prior consultations with Serbia and decision by the Security Council," the Serbian minister said

Bogdanovic voiced concern over the current developments in the province under the UN administration, adding that Serbia was forced to initiate a dialogue with UNMIK, regarding, as he put it,  future joint implementation of Resolution 1244 in  fundamentally changed circumstances.

"We are talking about two burning issues of the Serbian community in Kosovo - police and judiciary.  We think that it is illusory to talk about some other topics if know that there is no freedom of movement in Kosovo, and that human and citizen rights are being violated," he said.

Bogdanovic pointed out that Serbia adheres to all agreements made with UNMIK and at the same time obliges itself to the continuation of cooperation in all areas with the aim of finding  acceptable solution.

"If this not be the case, it would be difficult to expect that peace and security be preserved not only in Kosovo but in the entire region", Bogdanovic said.