Samardzic : Troika to present working paper in Vienna

The Contact Group Troika will present on October 22 in Vienna a working paper which will contain possible common discussion points for Belgrade and Pristina, Serbian Minister for Kosovo Slobodan Samardzic said at the Brussels promotion of the “Kosovo Compromise” project.

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"This working paper will contain minimal items which could be common to us and which could be a matter of discussion for us (...) we shall study this proposal and react properly the next time around in Vienna", Samardzic said.

He added that three meetings had been envisaged for November - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the month.

"The last meeting might last two or three days in order to summarize our positions and to see what is the common denominator for what we look for", he said.

"After that, the troika would prepare itself for the report, and we shall see whether there is room for continuation of talks", Samardzic said, adding it was clear that the four scheduled meetings before December 10 would not be enough to reach a solution.

"We could have some common position in order to continue the talk (...) that is why it is important to have a fair report by the troika", he underlined.

Samardzic said the troika had been "fair" to date and had invested "big efforts" in the process.

"After that, we would expect the UN Security Council to react, to give a green light for continuation, to pass some presidential statement or maybe a resolution", he added.

"The aim is the following: everything that happens after the Troika report must happen in the UN Security Council (...) and the UN Security Council will schedule the further process", Samardzic said.