UN six-point plan

Key elements of the six-points plan

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Here are the key elements of the UN six-point plan as presented in the report of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon :


- Formation of additional sub-stations in non-Albanian areas

- Unmik will appoint a senior Kosovo Serb officer

- All policing in Kosovo will remain under international monitoring

B. Customs

-  Kosovo will continue to function as a single customs area.

- International customs officers appointed in accordance with Security Council

resolution 1244 (1999) will be reinstated at gates 1 and 31 (administrative line with central Serbia)

- Customs revenues collected at gates 1 and 31 should benefit the

development of local communities.

C. Justice

- Following discussions to develop the principles, the courthouse complex in

northern Mitrovica has been recently made operational on a limited basis under

UNMIK control, applying UNMIK law only and staffed by UNMIK personnel for a

period of up to 60 days from the opening of the courthouse.

 -  During subsequent phases, local judges and prosecutors will be appointed in

accordance with Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).

D. Transportation and infrastructure

  -  The discussions have indicated acknowledgement of the need for close

cooperation on major matters of infrastructure (road, rail, water, electricity), flows

of traffic and trade and very important practical matters, such as recognition of


E. Boundaries

 - Many of the issues relevant to the management of the boundary will be

addressed by the transportation and infrastructure technical committee process.

Otherwise, and as indicated in my earlier report, in accordance with Security

Council resolution 1244 (1999), KFOR, as the international military presence, will

continue to fulfil its security mandate throughout Kosovo, including with respect to

the boundaries, in conjunction with other international organizations.

F. Serbian patrimony

 -  International protection of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo must and

will continue. The discussions have shown universal support for the principle of the

protection of the cultural heritage and patrimony of the Serbian Orthodox Church in


-  The agenda would include the implementation of protective arrangements

around major Serbian Orthodox Church sites, activities related to the welfare of the

monks and nuns, such as exempting the Serbian Orthodox Church from value-added

tax, excise tax and customs duties, modalities of reconstruction of the sites by the

Serbian Orthodox Church and the issue of return of archaeological artefacts.