Slovakia: All presidential candidates reject Kosovo recognition

All candidates at Slovakia's presidential elections have backed Bratislava's current opposition to the recognition of Kosovo.

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Our stand is unambiguous and unchanged. We do not recognize Kosovo's independence", current president Ivan Gasparovic said.

His main rival Ivana Radicova - a candidate of the liberal and Christian-democrat opposition of former Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda - has said Slovakia would recognize Kosovo only if Serbia did it before.

The candidates of the conservative parties Frantisek Miklosko and Zuzana Martianakova

have argued that "independent Kosovo" was created by violation of international law.

« Kosovo is a Pandora Box for Europe - it could open all hot problems in multinational countries of the European Union », said the candidate of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia Milan Melnjik.