Serbia slams attempt to rename Serbian heritage in Kosovo

Serbian Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremic, has protested against the attempt he defined as ''scandalous'' and ''outrageous'', to register, as belonging to the Kosovo medieval culture, the monasteries and Orthodox churches and other examples of Serb cultural heritage in Kosovo with UNESCO.

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"This scandalous and outrageous attempt to mystify the cultural identity never happened before with this organisation, and we will not allow it to happen now'', said Jeremic to journalists in Paris, where he was speaking at the 181st plenary session of the UNESCO managing committee.

Several countries, including Albania, proposed defining Serbian monasteries and other works of art from Serb culture located in the province with an Albanian majority which declared independence from Belgrade as Kosovo cultural heritage.

The proposal will be presented at a meeting of the UNESCO committee meeting for cultural heritage scheduled for June 22-30 in Seville, Spain.

These are works of art and sacred objects and don't belong to Kosovo but to the Serbian Orthodox Church'', Foreign Minister Jeremic said in Paris.