Jeremic: Serbia wants a Kosovo compromise on status

Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic said Wednesday in Athens the assessment of the International Court on one-sided announced Kosovo's independence would give opportunity for reaching compromise on the future status of Kosovo and warned that "this change should not be missed."

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Thursday, December 03, 2009

Jeremic noted in his statement at the 17th meeting of the ministries from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) that "Serbia, choosing peaceful and non-confrontating approach towards the one-sided announced Kosovo's independence formed a new model on resolving ethnical conflicts in 21st century".

"This is our contribution to the regional and global restoration of trust, which is of great importance for the international system, which has collided with bigger number of modern challenges," Jeremic added.

He noted Serbia wants to reach compromise on the future status of Kosovo, which would be "acceptable for all sides, which will consolidate the peace and security of Westernt Balkans".