Haradinaj arrested, transferred to Hague
The Hague Tribunal Appeals Chamber has ordered a partial retrial of former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj war crimes trial.
(KosovoCompromise Staff) Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The former ethnic Albanian member of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was previously acquitted by the court.
It has emerged that Haradinaj's appearance in court today was not voluntary, as the former Kosovo prime minister was in fact arrested in Kosovo on Tuesday on a sealed Hague indictment, and transferred to the tribunal.
This was confirmed by the Hague Tribunal spokeswoman Nerma Jelacic.
The arrest warrant was signed on July 19, it has been revealed.
"Haradinaj was arrested in Kosovo yesterday," Jelacic told reporters in The Hague on Wednesday.
According to the court, another defendant in the case, Idriz Balaj, also previously acquitted, is on his way to The Hague. He was serving time in a Kosovo jail for unrelated crimes.
Six of the original 37 counts of the indictment against Haradinaj will be subject to a retrial, according to the chamber's decision.
The previous verdict found Haradinaj and fellow KLA member Idriz Balaj not guilty of war crimes committed against Serbs, Roma and ethnic Albanian near Decani in Kosovo, in 1998.
The third suspect, Lahi Brahimaj, was convicted for abusing prisoners and sentenced to six years in prison.
The prosecution appealed against the initial verdict that was given in April 2008, related to the crimes that the Kosovo Liberation Army allegedly committed against prisoners in the Jablanica prison camp.
The Hague prosecution stated in its appeal that there were threats and intimidation against witnesses in the initial trial, adding that the judges stated in the verdict that many witnesses said that they did not wish to appear in court out of fear.