One Serb killed, two seriously injured

The Serbian Ministry for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic strongly condemned an attacks on Kosovo Serbs on Thursday which left one man dead and two injured.

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Friday, October 21, 2011

In a statement issued in Belgrade, the ministry alled on EULEX to carry out an investigation and find and punish the attacker, who was identified as an ethnic Albanian.

The attack indicates that Albanian extremists cringe at nothing in order to accomplish their goal, that of an ethnically cleansed Kosovo, said the statement.

The attack occurred as local Serbs came to visit their land usurped by a local Albanian who has been trying to force the family of the victim to sell their house and estate.

In the release, the Ministry for Kosovo called on international missions to protect personal and property safety of Serbs in the province not only declaratively, but also in practice.

The release states that it is symptomatic for incidents and attacks on Serbs to the south of the Ibar River to start escalating as soon as the crisis in the north aggravates and that not a single assault on Serbs over the past few months has been closed nor were attackers brought to justice.

The release notes that the Ministry for Kosovo warned EULEX on several occasions that personal and legal security of Kosovo Serbs needs to be protected because the Kosovo police are either not capable or do not want to do their job.