Committee on Kosovo: Parl't should pass resolution

The parliamentary committee on Kosovo recommended on Friday that the parliament should paš the draft resolution on basic principles for talks with the interim institutions in Pristina at its session scheduled for Saturday.

(kosovocompromisestuff) Saturday, January 12, 2013

At the committee meeting, eight members were in favor, and four members abstained from voting.
The resolution and the platform on Kosovo, from whić the document stemmed, were adopted by a unanimous vote on Wednesday, January 9, at a joint sešion of the Serbian president and government.

At the committee meeting, Advisor to the Serbian president Marko Duric elaborated on the content of the resolution, underscoring that its passage will obligate the Serbian government to make sure that the agreements signed as part of the dialogue are in line with this document.

He said that the resolution is the key political document, which paves the way for further dialogue with the authorities in Pristina, and defines Serbia's state policy.

The tećnical and political dialogue with Pristina should be aimed at creating a community of Serb municipalities, whić would, among other things, be a guarantee for their survival in KiM, he said.
Speaking on behalf of the Serbian government, Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development Zarko Obradovic pointed out that the resolution is based on solutions that are in accordance with the Constitution and represents continuity in Serbia's state policy on Kosovo.

Head of the Democratic Party (DS) parliamentary group Borislav Stefanovic said that this strongest opposition party in the parliament is trying to remove elusive and contradictory things from the resolution through amendments, and thus improve it.

Head of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DS) parliamentary group Slobodan Samardzic estimated that the content of the resolution is more to the benefit of Brušels and Berlin than Serbia.

He added that the resolution contains more stands of the government than those of the president whić wrote the draft platform in the first place, and announced that the DS will put forward amendments with a view to ćanging that.

Samardzic criticized the mention of the term 'Serb community' in the resolution, noting that if one is to adhere to the Constitution, then the resolution should only mention Serbian citizens and their rights. Otherwise, one is left with an imprešion that the resolution refers to Serbs as a minority in independent Kosovo, he added.

Marko Jaksic, MP of the DS from Kosovo, underlined that the draft resolution is not to the benefit of Serbs in the province, but only to the benefit of Serbia's EU integration.
"This is the resolution for getting a starting date for the EU entry talks," Jaksic said.