Kosovo recognition might be condition to join EU

Recognition of Kosovo could be placed before Serbia as a condition for membership in the European Union, Elisabeth Guigou, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly.

(kosovocompromisestuff) Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Foreign Affairs Committee held a meeting at which Serbian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Integration Suzana Grubjesic informed the participants on the situation in Serbia, the country's reforms and process of accession to the European Union, and answered their questions.

Grubjesic met with France's Minister for EU Affairs Bernard Cazeneuve and presidential adviser Paul Jean-Ortiz on Tuesday.

After these meetings, Grubjesic said France supports Serbia in its efforts to get a date for the start of the EU accession talks in June.

She pointed out that that the key requirement for that is progress in the talks with Pristina.

At Grubjesic's meetings in Paris, it was stressed that Serbia should continue its internal reform, especially in battling corruption and reforming the judiciary and economy, her office released.