"North Kosovo Serbs should decide same as south"

Kosovo District hea Vladeta Kostic says Serbs who live south of the Ibar are united in the intent to form a single candidate list for the coming local election.

(Kosovocompromistuff) Thursday, August 22, 2013

He expressed hope the Serbs in the north of the province will make "a similar decision."Kostic told Radio Gracanica that he hopes Serbs from the north will recognize "state and national interests"."That way we Serbs south of the Ibar would also be stronger in a political and every other sense," said Kostic. He said the south Kosovo Serbs are fully ready for the Kosovo election set for November 3 and recalled that they informed Tomislav Nikolic of their position at their meeting on Tuesday. "In the meeting with President Tomislav Nikolic, we reached unity and an agreement to form a joint list which will be open to all those with clean political resumes, who are respectable people, so that after the election we get a political elite which will represent us Kosovo Serbs for the first time, and which will also be recognized by the international community," he said. The same political elite will be tasked with forming the community of Serb municipalities which is, in my opinion, the crowning achievement of the Brussels agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, which we have accepted, said Kostic.