Rakic, Ivanovic, Azemi, Miftari to run for Mitrovica mayor

Nenad Rikalo, a Serb member of Kosovo's Central Election Commission (CEC), has said that the CEC got four applications for the re-run of the mayoral election that will be held in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on February 23.

(kosovocompromisestuff) Thursday, January 30, 2014

Rikalo told Tanjug on Wednesday evening that the Citizens' Initiative "Srpska" (GI Srpska) nominated Goran Rakic, the Citizens' Initiative "Serbia, Democracy, Justice" (GI SDP) - Oliver Ivanovic, the Democratic Party of Kosovo - Florent Azemi and the Democratic League of Kosovo - Musa Miftari. The mayoral election in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, mostly populated by Serbs, will be repeated because the candidate of the GI Srpska Krstimir Pantic refused to take over as mayor after he had secured the election victory. Pantic refused to be sworn in as mayor because the text of the statement contained symbols of Kosovo's unilaterally proclaimed independence.