Orthodox church robbed near Obilic

The Orthodox church and the parish house in the Babin Most village in northern Kosovo were robbed last night by unknown perpetrators, Zvecan-based TV Most reported early Monday.

(kosovocompromisestuff) Monday, February 03, 2014

It is the third time the church, situated just outside Obilic, has been targeted by robbers. This time, the thieves also broke down the parish house door, stole the keys to a car worth around EUR 7,000 and drove off, priest Bosko Klicaric said. Klicaric said that he feels unsafe, demanding that the police, who rarely visit him, find the perpetrators so that the damage caused by the robbery can be redressed. The Serbian government office for Kosovo condemned the break-in and robbery at the Church of the Shroud of the Holy Mother of God and parish house in Babin Most on Sunday and asked the international community to prevent such incidents, "since a reaction from Pristina on that issue is regularly lacking." Unindentified perpetrators roobed the church and parsih house in Babin Most, near Obilic, on Sunday night. They took money and the car head of the church Bosko Klisaric used to visit the parish, the office said. This church is one of the oldest in central Kosovo, built soon after the 1389 Battle of Kosovo and broken into a number of times since 2008, the office stated. "Of course, the culprits were not found in any of the incidents," the office said and called on the international community to put a stop to such vandalism and protect Serbian religious heritage. It is inexcusable to tolerate disrespect for Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries in Europe in the 21st century, the office stressed.