Displaced Serbs want to spend Easter in Djakovica

The Serbs that have been displaced from Djakovica are not giving up on the plan to visit this town in south-western Kosovo during the Easter holidays, so they will again request permission from EULEX and Kosovo institutions, said President of the Association of Djakovica Citizens Djokica Stanojevic.

(kosovocompromisestuff) Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Serbs are requesting anew to visit Djakovica, Stanojevic told the press on Friday, adding that it is a shame that officials in Pristina, KFOR, Kosovo Police Service (KPS) and EULEX cannot make possible for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the territory of Djakovica to visit their town on the greatest Christian holiday.He said that a group of 150 Djakovica citizens, who live across Serbia and have the required documents, should have set off for Djakovica on Thursday, so as to be in the town on Good Friday."Ahead of the departure, we were informed that KFOR, EULEX and KPS cannot ensure security for us in Djakovica, but that they will guarantee our security in Decani and Pec. We said that Djakovica is our hometown," Stojanovic said."The KFOR troops protecting the Serb medieval Monastery of Visoki Decani in southern Kosovo inquired on Friday morning whether the displaced Serbs would come as they were waiting to accompany them to Djakovica," Stanojevic said."I asked them how it was possible that they were waiting for us when on Thursday they sent a notice to the Office for Kosovo that they cannot ensure our security," he said."If they can guarantee our security, we will send a request once again and demand that we be allowed to spend at least one day of the Easter holidays near our homes, in our street, in our town, in our church and monastery," Stanojevic said.According to Stanojevic, 12,000 Serbs lived in Djakovica before the 1999 war, while today only four elderly nuns live in the partly restored monastery.