Kosovo Compromise web site reaches 10 million hits on its second anniversary

The web site of the Kosovo Compromise project http://www.kosovocompromise.com/ is celebrating on September 10 its second anniversary in the current format by reaching 10 million hits.

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Monday, September 07, 2009

In two years, you have been hundreds of thousands to visit the web site, making it the world's leading resource on the Kosovo issue.

Each month, visitors from an average of over 100 countries inform themselves, browse through analyses and download the project's original resources, such as the cd-rom, the charts and the journal.

This month, most of you are coming from the US, following by Canada, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Sweden, Austria, Poland, France, Norway, Mexico, Serbia, Greece, Switzerland, Romania, Indonesia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Singapore...

The worldwide praise that we have received from analysts, journalists, academics, politicians, officials, NGO's, think-tanks, but also individuals simply interested in the dynamic of the Kosovo process and its consequences, has given us great encouragement.

We thank you for this support and invite you to send us comments and suggestions on how to make this web site even more useful at editor@kosovocompromise.com or info@kosovocompromise.com